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Growing as a follower of Jesus is not something we do alone. It happens in community. Want to grow in your faith? Click below to join a growth group!
Growth Group Rounds

February 23 - March 16
The Practice of Solitude
No Leaders’ Lunch

April 27 - June 1
The Practice of Generosity
Leaders’ Potluck on the evening of April 10

August 3 – September 7
The Practice of Scripture
Leaders’ Lunch on July 27
after Second Service

October 12 – November 16
The Practice of Gratitude
Leaders’ Lunch is October 12
after Second Service
Current Paseo Pathway
The Practice of Solitude
Jesus calls us to walk by faith. He called his first disciples to follow him—and he’s calling us to do the same today. But how do we do that? Where do we start?
Join us as we learn to Practice the Way of Jesus. In this upcoming round of growth groups we will learn about solitude. Jesus often withdrew from the noise of life so he could commune with the Father and stay centered on his values and purpose. Learn how you can do the same through the practice of solitude.
Click below to access the Pathway Guide.